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WordBoard is a whiteboard animation project created to teach the Bible in a fun, simple way. It focuses on explaining books or passages in the Bible itself, rather than theological or doctrinal principles. It is designed to help Christians learn more about the Bible they love so much and think through it the way God intended.



Summaries Videos
Summaries Videos

Summaries are videos summarizing books of the Bible or entire testaments.

Boardies Videos
Boardies Videos

Boardies are videos addressing difficult to understand or commonly misunderstood passages in the Bible.



Snapboards are one-picture drawings designed to capture meaningful biblical insights in a snapshot.

Click on a Snapboard to view a larger version. You can scroll right to see more Snapboards. You can also like, download, or share any Snapboard.



WordBoard is a lot of fun to make, but it does get expensive. To put together a quality project, I have to pay for markers, music, and sound effects, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. If you have been blessed by WordBoard and want to help keep it going, you can do so by clicking the PayPal button below. If you don't have a PayPal account, you can set one up for free. It's easy and very safe to use.



Can I show your videos in a church service or a class lecture?

Yes! Absolutely! WordBoard is made for you. Please watch and share the videos in whatever venue you like. You do not need my permission to show them anywhere. You can even download the videos directly from Vimeo to your computer, if that will make it easier to show them. That said, there are a few conditions you should be aware of. WordBoard is listed under a Creative Commons license known as Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives. That’s a lot of fancy legal language that basically just means the following:

  1. You must give WordBoard the credit for making the video (just make sure the logo shows up in the video you watch).

  2. You cannot make money off of any of my videos.

  3. You cannot modify the video in any way and then share it with others.


If you abuse this policy, I may be forced into legal action. If you are unsure about how to use or show one of my videos, or you have another question about legality, feel free to contact me. I'm more than happy to help, if I can!

Can I hire WordBoard to make a video for me?

Not at this time. WordBoard is not a video production company, but rather a content creation project guided by the vision of its creator. You are, however, always welcome to contact WordBoard and make suggestions for future projects. But a suggestion does not guarantee it will be made, whether in the near or distant future.

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